Aquaculture Europe 2025

September 22 - 25, 2025

Valencia, Spain

Abstract Submission Form

Abstract Instructions

Abstract Submission - Step 1

Aquaculture Europe 2025 encourages the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations. All poster presentations will be as electronic posters. We strongly encourage authors to consider Eposter presentations as they are an integral part of the conference programme. Papers submitted for "oral presentation preferred" may not be accepted as oral presentations due to the limited number of available time slots in each session.

All abstracts must be in English - the official language of the conference. The selection of abstracts is based upon several criteria, but the most important one is quality. Our guidelines have therefore been updated to reflect this. Please take time to read them and ensure that you follow them. Abstracts that do not will not be assessed for inclusion.

All abstracts submitted for AE2025 and requesting oral presentation must be submitted before the May 1st deadline to have a chance to be selected for oral presentation. Session chairs will build their sessions soon after the deadline, so abstracts for orals received late will not be considered and will be assigned to Eposters. “Incomplete” abstracts can also be submitted and amended at a later date.

Abstracts submitted for Eposter presentation may be submitted up to August 15th.

Each oral presenter will have no more than 15 minutes presentation time. Time keeping by the session chairs will be strict. Authors of studies involving proprietary products or formulations may present this information in its research context, but not as a product pitch.. Oral presentations should use PowerPoint.

Eposters will have a prominent place in Aquaculture Europe meetings:

  • Presenters will be asked to upload their Eposter before the event and they will be available online and on the app as part of the full conference programme. They will be kept online for one month after the event, but may also be removed upon request.
  • Session chairs will be asked to review Eposters within the appropriate oral session.
  • Special Eposter viewing stations will be provided during the event for viewing throughout the conference days and at any time on the app.
  • Viewers will be able to contact Eposter authors directly through the poster to ask questions, provide comments or set up a meeting during the event.
  • All Eposters will be evaluated by the session chairs and prizes will be awarded during the wrap-up session for Best Poster and Best Student Poster.

All presenters are required to pay their own registration, accommodation and travel expenses. Aquaculture Europe cannot subsidize registration fees, travel or hotel costs.

No Abstract Book will be printed - a compilation will be provided online and a mobile phone app to registered delegates.


Abstract Format – Please refer to the sample.
  1. Title of paper: type in bold in upper-case letters (= full capitals) and the scientific names in the title in italics; leave two lines between title and author(s).
  2. Author(s): the first letters of both first and last names must be capitalised; leave one line between author(s) and affiliation. The first name should be the presenting author, followed by co-author names. Use * after the presenting author. Type in upper/lower case.
  3. Address and Email: (in point 9) leave two lines between affiliation and text. Only the e-mail address of the contact person should be provided.
  4. Headings of sections: type bold (not in full caps); space above should be two single lines for the first section header and one and a half lines above all the other section headers; space below section header should be half a line (or 6pt) only.
  5. Text: typing must be single spaced; space between paragraphs can be half a line (or 6pt); paragraphs should begin flush with the left margin of the text, not indented.
  6. Maximum length: two pages
  7. Page size: standard A4 paper (210mmX297mm) (portrait)
  8. Margins: left margin=4.2cm; right margin=4.2cm; margin top=2cm; margin bottom=4cm.
  9. Font: Times New Roman 10 point.
  10. Photos, Figures and Tables: should be included if relevant. They should be reduced to the appropriate size to fit on the page and should be clearly readable.

You must read the Instructions and check the box to continue.
Your abstract must conform to the specification for abstract formatting.

Presenting Author Information

Abstract Submission - Step 2

Please enter the name exactly as it appears in the abstract paper. Please do not type in all capitals. (Example:First Name:Daniel B. / Surname:Ramirez). The presenting author is the person who will be presenting this paper at the conference. (* = required field)

Paper Topic and Title

Please enter you paper title as shown in the example below.
The paper title is printed in CAPITAL LETTERS, with the exception of scientific names which should be Italicized Upper/lower case (see example). Scientific names should not be preceded or followed by commas or parentheses or other markings. Do not include author names in the title. Do not try and paste the entire paper here.



Please enter the names exactly as you want them to appear in the program materials. Please do not type in all capitals. Type each coauthor First Name and Last Name exactly as they should appear. The order in which the coauthors are entered is the order that they will appear in the conference program. Please check for accuracy.

Please indicate if your paper has coauthors

Session, Method & Awards

Special Session Information


Please verify that the above information is correct before continuing.

Upload Abstract

Abstract Submission - Step 3

The abstract that you upload should be formatted like the SAMPLE shown here and include the abstract title, the author names and the presenting author's contact information. It is preferred that the abstract be in Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (.rtf) for PC. Do not send in MAC, (.pdf), (.dat), Notepad, Word Pad or other formats - it could cause a delay in considering your abstract.


Abstract Format – Please refer to the sample.
  1. Title of paper: type in bold in upper-case letters (= full capitals) and the scientific names in the title in italics; leave two lines between title and author(s).
  2. Author(s): the first letters of both first and last names must be capitalised; leave one line between author(s) and affiliation. The first name should be the presenting author, followed by co-author names. Use * after the presenting author. Type in upper/lower case.
  3. Address and Email: (in point 9) leave two lines between affiliation and text. Only the e-mail address of the contact person should be provided.
  4. Headings of sections: type bold (not in full caps); space above should be two single lines for the first section header and one and a half lines above all the other section headers; space below section header should be half a line (or 6pt) only.
  5. Text: typing must be single spaced; space between paragraphs can be half a line (or 6pt); paragraphs should begin flush with the left margin of the text, not indented.
  6. Maximum length: two pages
  7. Page size: standard A4 paper (210mmX297mm) (portrait)
  8. Margins: left margin=4.2cm; right margin=4.2cm; margin top=2cm; margin bottom=4cm.
  9. Font: Times New Roman 10 point.
  10. Photos, Figures and Tables: should be included if relevant. They should be reduced to the appropriate size to fit on the page and should be clearly readable.

Attach Your Abstract Please use the "Browse.." button below to locate the your abstract file on your hard drive and attach it to your submission. It is preferred that the abstract be in Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (.rtf) for PC.
File upload is limited to files of type .doc, .docx, or .rtf that are no larger than 8 MegaBytes.

You have not uploaded an abstract file. Please use the "Browse.." button to locate your abstract file. You cannot complete the submission process until you select an acceptable document to upload.

  • DO NOT send abstract revisions to this abstract as a duplicate online submission.
  • DO NOT send this abstract again by email, courier or postal mail.